Job Recruitment

Posted on January 29, 2014 at 3:31 pm

Job recruitment can be quite an engaging job, where you are constantly interacting with people and businesses who are looking for work and workers. It can get to be quite a complicated job, where you are constantly searching for both new businesses and new job seekers, who you can hopefully match up based upon each others suitability. This can be quite difficult, as businesses will often have a complex and long list of attributes that they expect you to find from among your list of prospective job seekers. Meanwhile, you have to coach your prospective job seekers on how to supply appropriate information. Vetting prospective job seekers can be complicated as well, you have to determine the reality of their abilities and experience, as people will regularly lie on their CV’s. This is a very important part of the job, as any failing on your part to do a good job will reflect poorly on your recruitment agency, and likely result in loss of business.

Posted in Recruitment Services