Job Spotlight – Thinking about becoming a Teacher

So you’d love to inspire our future generations? Would you know where to start?

You’d need to decide first who you want to teach. Would it be Early Years (Up to 5yrs), Primary (age 5-11yrs), Secondary (age 11-18yrs), or further education? You could look at getting some experience to decide which age group you prefer. 

You would need a degree or equivalent qualification to be eligible for postgraduate primary or secondary initial teacher training courses. You would also need Maths, English and Science grade 4 (C) or above. 

If it’s the cost that’s putting you off, you could get funding that wouldn’t need to be paid back if you train to teach certain subjects. 

Exploring the right training for you, would it be PGCE or directly into a school? 

The final step would be actually applying. You could get a teacher training advisor who would be able to help with various stages, including getting your application ready. 

Good Luck!



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