When choosing a career or planning a career swap, one big consideration is the pay. Whilst this is not the main reason one should decide on a career, it does not hurt to know what to expect.
1. Attorney- graduate jobs in the legal sector typically have high entry-level salary and incredibly high potential salaries, on average £102,000.
2. Director of Operations- graduate jobs in operations are moderate, around £23,000 but the salary can quickly rise to an average of £100,000.
3. Marketing Director- graduate marketing jobs typically start around £23,000 with potential earnings nearer to £100,000, they average around £92,000.
4. General Practitioner- junior doctors can expect to earn an average of £27,000 and expect a potential average of £88,000 or more.
5. Geologist- a graduate typically starts around £28,000 with a potential earning of around £82,000.
6. Recruitment Consultant- due to commission, recruitment can be a lucrative career choice with graduates starting at £23,000 and possibly reaching a potential of £80,000 as a basic pay with commission added to that.
7. Creative Director- entry-level creative careers can start quite low but can potentially reach a competitive salary of around £80,000.
8. Investment Banker- starting graduate salaries are usually £27,000 and reach around £78,000 at a senior level.
9. Airline Pilot- entry-level pilots earn approximately £36,000, following a large amount of training and as a senior pilot expect an average of £64,000.
10. Data Scientist- graduate usually take home around £27,000 and can reach a potential £61,000, or more in some companies or due to seniority.
Monthly Archives: January 2021
10 Highest Paid Careers in the UK
Posted on January 11, 2021 at 3:19 pm
Posted in Jobs in UK