When looking to change your career it may be that you need to return to studies to obtain the qualifications that you need. Sometimes this involves going to university or college and other times you may be able to do a course in the evenings or even online through places such as the Open University. Things you need to consider when exploring these options are the cost of the course / degree that you need to complete and if you are able to get any sort of grant or a loan. You should also think about how you are going to survive financially whilst you are training as often this means giving up a current job or working nights or weekends. If you are happy that you can fit it all in then you should start to look at what places offer the course you need to go on to allow you to be able to start applying for jobs.
Monthly Archives: June 2014
Returning to studies to change your career path
Posted on June 29, 2014 at 1:11 pm
Posted in Jobs in UK